Royal Distributors Ltd. Co. was established in 1987 to accommodate the Caribbean Community in Central Florida. Through the introduction of spices and food, we were fundamental in creating a presence for a visible Caribbean culture in Central Florida. We assisted in the organization of the first Carnival Venue held at the Central Florida Fairgrounds .
Our company not only created a niche in the Caribbean Community but in Central Florida- At- Large which included two of the largest supermarkets, the Conventional Center, Disney and the majority of West Indian Bodegas.
As we continued to represent well known American and West Indian brands, we quickly gained a reputation for excellent customer service and high quality products. As the demand for products grew, we decided to establish our own label, hence Barbados Jack was born.
In 2001 the business was sold but not the parent company which owned the Barbados Jack label. Due to popular demand and the non-wavering love for the product, we are reintroducing Barbados Jack to you, a new generation.